Our Services

  • Landholder Engagement

    Helping proponents and landholders to resolve their issues and concerns in a collaborative and constructive way.

    Landholders are critical project partners for many developments. We have a proven record of helping proponents and landholders resolve conflicts and can assist where traditional approaches have been unsuccessful.

  • Community Engagement

    Using outrage management principles Seesaw Engagement can design and implement community engagement that goes well beyond a ‘tick the box exercise’ to show tangible improvement in community sentiment and the level of opposition.

  • Stakeholder Engagement

    Key stakeholders can have a major influence on organisations and their projects. Having a strategy for collaboratively working with stakeholders will limit the risk of external interference.

  • Social Assessments

    Helping proponents reduce the risk of their projects by ensuring that social, community and political constraints are appropriately considered at the right time.